Translation services

Stabimer Õigusbüroo OÜ
Registrikood: 11811374
KMKR: EE101376455


If you are tired of looking for good translators
If you understand the importance of the documents that need to be translated
If you know that high quality cannot be cheap and are ready to pay accordingly
If you are sure that the only free cheese is in the mousetrap, contact our office and you will not regret your choice.

NB! Our employees are always there to offer advice and assistance so that you could avoid taking wrong actions and would not waste time and money on translating your documents again. We will explain to you how to certify a document quickly, tell you about legalisation and certified translation depending on the purpose and country of destination and let you know if you need an Apostille or legalisation at the consulate.

Important information: We strongly recommend our clients to find out all the requirements for documents well in advance. The most reliable source of information is the body or institution to which you submit your documents!

Our main priority is to make sure that we offer you the most favourable terms of cooperation. That is why we care not only about the quality of the translated text but also about the convenience of delivery of the results to our clients.


• Translation of legal texts: incorporation documents, contract documentation, accounting documents, licenses, certificates, articles of association, business plans, financial texts, court decisions, etc.
• Translation of technical texts: operation instructions, user manuals, specifications, term papers, graduation theses.
• Translation of medical texts: medical and pharmaceutical literature, medical certificates, package inserts, documents issued my medical institutions, health certificates.
• Translation of literary texts: fiction, newspaper and magazine articles, advertising materials, press releases.
• Translation of school and university certificates, diplomas, statements of results, diploma supplements, etc.
• Translation of passports and birth, marriage, death and change of name certificates
• Translation of driving licences
• Translation of employment record books
• Translation of permissions to take a child abroad
• Translation of all kinds of websites
• Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting
• Certified translations: quick, reliable and to a high standard. To order a certified translation please bring the original documents to our law office. Translation and certification take up to three working days.

NB! A certified translation should be impeccable both in terms of language use and the required formalities! Please remember that the slightest inaccuracy may result in your documents being rejected and your transaction may be halted at the most inappropriate moment. That is why it is crucial that certified translation is performed by a highly qualified sworn translator.

Certification gives legal force to the translated document.

After certification, the translation of a document obtains an official status. The certified translation is attached either to the original document or to its copy.

Important information:  Choosing us, you can rest assured that your documents will be handled by professionals and masters of their trade and that certified translation will be made to the highest standard!

Apostille: quick, reliable and to a high standard. Your presence at the notary’s office is not required.

To obtain an Apostille, you need to bring the original documents or their notarised copies to our law office.
Certification with Apostille takes thirty minutes up to an hour.

NB! Apostille is a means to facilitate and speed up the conduct of business and was introduced by the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961. The point is that, if a document issued in one of the countries participating in the convention, is certified with an Apostille, no additional legalisation of the document for its use in another country participating in the convention is not required. This is an important advantage of the Apostille over consular certification. The other plus is that certification is performed within one jurisdiction and the certification chain is smaller, so those acting internationally save money, effort and, most importantly, time. Apostille is always attached in the country whose authorities have issued the document. Under the convention, Apostille is only put on official documents, i.e. documents signed by state officials, notarial instruments, etc. Apostille certifies the authenticity of the signature of a state official or a notary. Apostille lends maximum credence to the document. It is the ultimate form of legalisation. A document with Apostille will be accepted by a foreign jurisdiction as a document bearing the authentic signature and the imprint of the authentic seal. The status of the person who signed the document certified with Apostille is legally validated. The cost of Apostille is set according to the pricelist of the notary’s office.

Important information: The Republic of Estonia has signed agreements of mutual legal assistance in civil matters thus revoking the legalisation procedure with the following countries:

Russian Federation (26.01.1993)
Ukraine (15.02.1995)
Latvia (11.11.1992)
Lithuania (11.11.1992)
Poland (11.11.1998)


• Ordering more than 10 documents, you get a 10% discount on the translation (in certain cases the discount can be higher)

– Our loyal clients enjoy flexible pricing options.


– Legal support for clients and the documents provided by them
– Fast, effective and competent translation of your documents is available in the following languages: ENGLISH ~ GERMAN ~ SPANISH ~ RUSSIAN ~ LATVIAN ~ LITHUANIAN ~ POLISH ~ UKRAINIAN ~ FINNISH ~ ESTONIAN
– Affordable prices for our translation services. Our price formation is based on precise cost assessment depending on the labour input required to do a translation. You will not have to overpay!
– Express professional translation within the minimum time frame ranging from one to three days (we always keep to the timescale agreed). We never promise anything that we cannot deliver and make every effort to make a translation as quickly as possible and to the highest possible standard.
– You will definitely get your translation on time because we use not only our in-house translators but also trusted freelancers. Such close interaction allows us to deliver translations within the shortest possible time.
– Translations are made by excellent linguists who are well-versed in the given subject area. We specialise in the translation of legal, technical and medical texts.
– We pursue quality in every single translation job. Quality is at the heart of our work: yesterday, today and tomorrow!
– Individual approach to the needs of every client no matter what assignment he has for us: be it a challenging document, a website or any other text. We will organise our work in a way to make sure that the result meets your expectations.
– Our office is located within a walking distance from the public transport stop and there is free parking.
– We take into account all your requirements and wishes, so the translation made at our office is in line with our clients’ corporate goals or personal objectives.
– Transparency and openness in respect of all our partners and clients.
– Our policy of confidentiality and information security means that after the translation services have been provided we return to the client or destroy at the latter’s request all the copies made from the original as well as all the drafts and the translation itself both on paper and in electronic form. The original is always returned to the client.
– You can place an order and receive the completed translation without leaving your home or office. This can be done either via the Internet or by using a courier service.
– The full range of translation services, translation of texts in various subject areas and in various language combinations, translation by native speakers of target languages, professional layout, simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, certification with Apostille, certification by a sworn translator.

NB! If you want to get a customised quote for LONG-TERM SUPPORT for a private individual or a legal entity, please contact us and we will make you a VIP-offer in accordance with your wishes.