Individual (family) lawyer

Stabimer Õigusbüroo OÜ
Registrikood: 11811374
KMKR: EE101376455

Individual (family) lawyer

More and more clients find it comfortable and necessary to use service of one vicarious agent – individual (family) lawyer who is aware of your life situation and therefore is able to solve any problem quicker.

Having personal lawyer increases your status and also allows you to avoid serious life problems. In contrast to those lawyers whose service you use once, your personal lawyer is interested in absence of conflict situations in your life, and his efforts are directed to their prevention or the quickest settlement.

Service according to the program “Individual (family) lawyer” includes:

unlimited number of legal consultations in person or by phone, on-line
availability of legal advice out of turn
preparing different legal papers (preparing claims, counter claims, applications, amicable agreements, complaints and responses to complaints, contracts, supplementary agreements)
visit to the client in urgent situations (under conditions talked over in contract)
legal examination of legal papers, request and receipt of necessary documents on your behalf
legal analysis and support of your transactions
representation in courts and state agencies
we guarantee you full confidentiality and bear full responsibility for our actions
fulfillment of other assignments corresponding to your requests.

Family Office

Family Office is much more than just services provided by a family lawyer

When your family wealth reaches a particular level, you may find yourself in need of a good family office which can manage all your assets and affairs effectively. Our company specialises in providing a range of tailor-made solutions to families to suit their varied needs. Such solutions are delivered by highly qualified specialists in finance, taxation, investment, law and other areas of expertise.

Our family office is a private wealth management service aimed at those who value their time and are ready to delegate most of their own responsibilities and the responsibilities of the entities affiliated to them to one consolidated office.
It means that you no longer need to spend extra hours and money on creating a flexible, efficient and reliable business unit to handle your challenges and meet your growing needs.
Our clients know how much energy and time is required to juggle multiple priorities simultaneously. Imagine having to monitor securities on the Eurobond market, lease out commercial property, look for a buyer for the yacht, plan a family holiday, take part in a trade fair and attend court sessions all at the same time! Not to mention the financial aspect of it all…
Trust is the foundation on which our family office is based. Sometimes it takes years to build this foundation, but it is worth it. Have no doubts about that. The decision to entrust the handling of serious issues to others coupled with confidence in the results will bring you the desired peace of mind and the feeling of balance.
The clients who work with us are well aware that business capital and family wealth have different risk tolerance levels.
The long-standing experience we have in running the family office service shows that family members and our employees tend to develop strong business relationships over time. The family office eventually becomes a trusted advisor (manager) for the entire family. This is because we not only take care of the asset management issues but we are also involved in many investment-related and other family decisions and projects. In essence, we function as a family holding company for reasonable remuneration. The role of the authorised manager (advisor) is performed by a team consisting of financial specialists, secretaries, accountants, real property experts, lawyers, personal security specialists, household staff, etc.

Absolute confidentiality, competence and responsibility in making decisions as well as fully transparent relationships with clients are the fundamental principles of our work. You will have peace of mind knowing that your home office is run by honest, competent and reliable professionals.

Functions of the Family Office

Clients turn to us to enhance the efficiency of family wealth management and free up time for important business matters. Our family office offers you a unique opportunity to adopt a systematic approach to solving the entire set of issues that need your attention. The family office will save you a lot of time and money and allow you to focus on your primary goals, for instance, on your investment strategy, thus reducing investment risks. We will be happy to:

  • assist you with moving to Estonia and solving problems that may arise in this connection;
  • help you choose the place of residence (a safe and cosy area for setting up home);
  • assist you with procedural formalities for obtaining the necessary permits and deal with the matters involved in buying real property;
  • advise you on migration matters (residence permit in Estonia);
  • organise comfortable living environment for all members of you family;
  • organise the education process for different generations of your family (educational institutions, childcare);
  • help you settle your family conflicts privately and discreetly;
  • make arrangements for relatives who need care because of their poor health (help you choose the best boarding house or medical practitioner providing in-home care, etc.);
  • organise medical check-ups and insurance (suggest you the most renowned and reputable health clinics and medical institutes as well as the best doctors and specialists);
  • organise preventive medical care and prepare a health support programme (diet and nutrition, fitness, massage, invigorating and relaxing treatments, beauty and personal training services, etc.);
  • provide assistance with succession to family assets (testaments, preparation of notarised transactions, full help and support until succession has been completed);
  • assist you with the development of your family business and implementation of your investment plans (increase your wealth);
  • assist you with investing your family wealth (traditional and alternative investments);
  • provide asset management, administration and consolidation services;
  • coordinate cooperation with the banks and create a general investment strategy (asset placement);
  • draw up incorporation or formation documents for legal entities of any type, provide legal support and arrange registration;
  • facilitate the process of taking out a loan at an appropriate interest rate (a bespoke and mutually beneficial contract with a bank or credit institution);
  • plan the pension arrangements for your family;
  • provide full legal support for your family (protect your interests in courts and before state authorities, including assistance and support in the case of prosecution);
  • provide assistance with tax matters;
  • provide fiduciary management and risk management services;
  • provide real property management services (investments into real property, sale and rental of real property);
    suggest sites for upmarket development (design, construction);
  • recommend you the best architects, construction companies, interior decoration and design specialists, landscape design specialists);
  • if you do not intend to use a property yourself, we will recommend you aproperty management company or find you a tenant or take on the task of keeping your property in a good state of repair;
  • assist you with buying or selling your property (you will be able to consult a lawyer who, unlike an estate agent, has nothing to gain or lose from the transaction and acts purely as an independent expert in the interests of the client);
  • help you rent out a commercial property (full assistance and support);
  • draw up your family budget, provide budget advice and identify your budget goals;
  • keep accounting records and provide financial administration and tax planning services (payment of invoices, debt management, reporting);
  • with well-organised records management and bookkeeping, you will always have a clear picture of the state of your affairs.
  • coordinate bank services, insurance services, etc.;
  • organise family gatherings and meetings

In the case of unexpected and abrupt life changes, we will help you adapt quickly to the new reality. If a family member lacking experience and understanding is faced with a situation where he or she suddenly needs to shoulder the burden of capital and responsibility, we will teach him or her what to do and provide the necessary support. We are also ready to provide similar assistance to families who have lost the head of the household, been through divorce or moved to another country.

Moreover, our family office can arrange your business trips, family holidays and recreation, look for insurance solutions, manage your yacht, car, etc. Together with our partners, we can recruit household staff for you (driver, housemaid, babysitter, security guard, cook, translator, gardener, etc.).

Other types of services may also be included. It all depends on your personal needs.

All the above is delivered either using our own resources or in cooperation with reliable and trusted partners of our law office.

The pricing is usually negotiable and personalised for each particular family.

Our law office uses several basic models for assessing the value of its services.

– fixed (hourly) rate for the services actually provided;
– percentage of the assets managed;
– fixed monthly rate for the services provided;

*** a combination of the three models is also possible.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss the aspects set out above. We will be happy to offer you an ideal family office in Estonia with the most suitable model of payment.