Õigusteenuste hinnad

Bright and profit-generating ideas alone will not make your business successful. You also need to know how to retain your earnings!

Our expert lawyers will help you minimise financial risks. We provide full legal support for companies, apartment associations, sole proprietors and private individuals. The volume of the services provided depends on the client’s preferences.

You can either give us a one-off task or sign up for regular legal support consisting of various services.

Service Price
Advice If you do not have a contract for regular legal assistance, you will be charged according to this price list.
1. Examination of the documents provided, analysis of the situation
1.1 Prediction of the outcome and assessment of feasibility of litigation
1.2 Legal advice at the office (the rate is 100 euros per hour) from 25 EUR
«Right from the start, it is vital to develop the correct legal stance, set it out in the statement of claim, provide arguments for your point of view and support it with actual evidence.»
Written assignments. The cost of the service is calculated on the basis of the actual time input (the rate is 100 euros per hour).
Drafting of a statement of claim for the court from 100 EUR
Drafting of a written claim and its service on the debtor
Debt enforcement service (a percentage of the debt amount)
from 100 EUR
Drafting of a complaint against the acts or omissions of a bailiff from 100 EUR
Drafting of a petition to the Ministry of Justice (if necessary, a translation is provided for an extra charge in accordance with the price list) from 100 EUR
Drafting of a petition to the Social Insurance Board from 100 EUR
Drafting of a letter of attorney (with notarial certification if necessary) negotiable price
Brief written advice via e-mail (this service is only provided after full prepayment) from 25 EUR
Drafting of a response to a statement of claim from 100 EUR
Drafting of a statement of claim (compensation for moral harm, loss of profit, etc) from 100 EUR
Drafting of a petition or a response to the labour disputes committee from 100 EUR
Drafting of a statement of claim for recovery of wages with the calculation of penalties from 100 EUR
Drafting of a statement of claim for divorce from 100 EUR
Drafting of a statement of claim for maintenance (to increase its amount, etc.) from 100 EUR
Drafting of a marital property agreement from 100 EUR
Drafting of a marital property division agreement from 100 EUR
Drafting of an appeal or a response to an appeal from 125 EUR
Drafting of a statement of claim for damages in the case of a traffic accident with the calculation of penalties from 100 EUR
«Succession matters should be settled with the help of lawyers to avoid subsequent property problems. We will help you resolve the matters listed below.»
Drafting of a statement of claim for revocation of a will from 100 EUR
Drafting of a statement of claim for opening a succession, etc. from 100 EUR
Drafting of a statement of claim for renunciation of a succession, etc. from 100 EUR
Drafting of a statement of claim for division of property among the heirs from 100 EUR
Advice on debt obligations of the bequeather, answers to questions about the succession of apartments, rooms, plots of land, houses, etc. Defence of the heirs’ rights and other succession-related matters. from 25 EUR

Representation in court and related expenses

Representation in a court in Tallinn from 100 EUR
Representation in a court outside Tallinn 250 EUR + 0,85 EUR/km
Drafting of a letter of attorney (notarisation is provided for an extra charge in accordance with the price list) negotiable price
Translation of a text (notarisation is provided for an extra charge in accordance with the price list) from 20 EUR
Formation of business and non-profit associations (a branch of a foreign business association, etc.)
Preparation of documents for the formation of a new company with one to three founders within one to two working days (with notarisation) from 300 EUR
Advice on obtaining a residence permit in Estonia from 100 EUR
Advice on acquiring property in Estonia and on getting legal support for property transactions in Estonia from 100 EUR
Formation of a new company with one founder within one hour (via the Internet) subject to the availability of the required passwords and all the necessary documents, etc. from 100 EUR
Amendment of entries in the Commercial Register (via the Internet) subject to the availability of the required passwords and all the necessary documents in the following cases:

  • changes in the share capital
  • changes to the articles of association
  • change of the official address
  • changes in the management board
  • change of the area of business
  • change of the business name
from 100 EUR
Advice on obtaining licenses and operation permits from 100 EUR
Minutes (if necessary, a translation is provided for an extra charge in accordance with the price list) from 100 EUR
Articles of association (if necessary, a translation is provided for an extra charge in accordance with the price list) from 100 EUR
Memorandum of association (if necessary, a translation is provided for an extra charge in accordance with the price list) from 360 EUR
Drafting of a bankruptcy caution from 100 EUR
Preparation of a draft contract /agreement and related documents taking into account the client’s wishes, etc. (if necessary, a translation is provided for an extra charge in accordance with the price list) from 360 EUR
Advice on or participation in negotiations including visits paid by our lawyer within the boundaries of Tallinn (this service is provided to VIP clients under a contract without prepayment)For clients who need a one-off or a single service full prepayment is required from 100 EUR
Advice on or participation in negotiations including visits paid by our lawyer outside Tallinn (this service is provided to VIP clients under a contract without prepayment)For clients who need a one-off or a single service full prepayment is required from 100 EUR + 1,25 EUR/km.
*** All services not included in the price list will be priced by the provider independently and agreed with the client negotiable price
*** The price for the services provided outside the working hours, on holidays and on weekends is doubled.
*** In each individual case the price can be higher or lower depending on the specific volume of work by agreement with the client
*** 22% VAT is added to the price
*** In certain cases the state fee and the notary’s fee are added to the price by agreement with the client