Notarization of transactions

Stabimer Õigusbüroo OÜ
Registrikood: 11811374
KMKR: EE101376455

Arranging notarised transactions

Our law office arranges the following notarised transactions:
real estate transactions (sale, purchase, making a gift, etc.);
notarially authenticated loan agreements;
notarially authenticated acknowledgements of obligations;
succession (including applications for initiation of succession proceedings, inventories of estate, renunciation of succession, etc.);
contraction of marriage, divorce, conclusion of marital property agreements, division of joint property of spouses;
general powers of attorney, consents to taking children abroad;
formation of companies, formation of non-profit associations (including change of the registered office, inclusion of
a new member of the management board, sale or purchase of shares, etc.).

The service of arranging a notarised transaction includes the following:
the lawyer provides all the necessary consulting services in connection with the transaction;
the lawyer provides answers to all the questions asked by the client during the preparation for the notarised transaction;
the lawyer collects and draws up the documents necessary for the notarised transaction;
the lawyer secures approval for and books an appointment with the notary which is convenient to all the parties to the transaction to have the documents notarised;
if necessary, the lawyer participates in preliminary negotiations between the parties to the transaction;
if necessary, the lawyer analyses the documents in order to assess the prospects of the transaction, including the possible time frame, restrictions, etc.;
the lawyer informs the client of the anticipated costs of the intended transaction, the amount of the state fee payable for notarisation, etc.;
the lawyer stays with the client at the notary’s office for as long as is necessary to finalise the transaction; the lawyer informs the client when the relevant changes have been entered in the register in connection with the transaction.

The final price to be paid for arranging the notarised transaction will be given by the lawyer and the corresponding payment will be made by the client before the transaction is notarised and after the analysis of all the documents submitted by the client has been completed.

The layer should be present during the signing of the transaction documents at the notary’s office in order to correct any possible faults in the contract which may be detrimental to the client’s interests and to make sure that the contract contains provisions which are most favourable to the client.

Using professional legal advice, you can be sure that all the documents will be properly drafted, that the transaction will have the expected outcome and that you will save the time required for obtaining the necessary information and documents.

In view of the above, you are advised to instruct a lawyer who specialises in arranging notarised transactions and knows the specific requirements of the Estonian legislation in various areas of the law as well as the most common risks.